Scalefour South West 2012 Retrospective

Above: End terrace advert for Bile Beans on Horsley Bank. © information. May not be reproduced without permission.

Scalefour South West 2012 was held at Wells Town Hall on 13th & 14th August.

There are two themed pages of images, and a single page of all the images as thumbnails:

Alternatively, each photo has its own page, so you can just dive in to the first photo! You can use the links there to visit all eleven images in turn.

Show guide (PDF)

There were 4 P4 layouts, 9 more layouts in various scales and gauges (13 layouts in all), 18 traders, plus specialist societies, displays, demonstrators and a Bring and Buy.

The guide (PDF) contains all the information about the P4 layouts and the show. If you don't have one, you can click on the show guide icon to download a copy.

Our thanks to Philip Hall for the photography. The lighting proved quite challenging, so this is a smaller than usual retrospective. I hope you will enjoy the reminder of the day, and perhaps visit one of our other shows.