John Darch

Brassmasters model locomotive kit Brassmasters kit, modified and detailed to match the prototype that worked Gloucester Docks. Portescap motor and gearbox, Alan Gibson wheels.

This kit did need a great deal of work to get it right. Whether the problems were in the etching or the original artwork is difficult to say but I suspect more of the latter than the former as right and left sides were not always identical when they should have been!

Brassmasters model locomotive kit Portescap is very noisy despite treatments as prescribed on E4um - this one is a 'screamer' as opposed to a 'grinder'.

Wheels are eccentric and wobble on axle. Anyway, it looks good and runs reasonably smoothly considering the problems with the wheels.


Clinkerford model railway layout 8718 is ready to leave with its train of vans.
Meanwhile the porter makes his way back from the goods shed.

Clinkerford model railway layout                               Clinkerford showing John's plateway wagon.

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