The society logo over a background of trackwork. For 4mm finescale railway modelling at its very best

Getting Support

Since its formation in 1976, the Scalefour Society has grown to a membership of over 1800 worldwide. The Society caters primarily for the needs of railway modellers working to the scale of 4mm to the foot (1:76.2), the most popular of the British model railway scales. However, it promotes and encourages the use of modelling techniques and fine scale standards irrespective of scale or gauge, and has many Members who model to standards other than P4. Although there is particular emphasis on the use of scale wheels and track, the aim of the Society is to encourage realism and authenticity in all aspects of the hobby; here are some of the ways in which help and support are provided to Members.

Scalefour Society News
magazineScalefour News is the Society's flagship journal which all members receive five times each year. This is a high quality colour magazine packed full of news, reviews and illustrated articles covering all aspects of the hobby, and has items of interest and inspiration for modellers of all gauges and standards.

Members enjoy further discussion, guidance and inspiration via the Scalefour Forum. Postings from the public are welcomed in the 'Guest Book' section.

Scalefour Society Gathering The Society also promotes three major exhibitions each year. Scaleforum, held in Aylesbury towards the end of September is the biggest; Scalefour North is usually in the spring, in Wakefield; Scalefour South West is held during the summer as part of the RailWells exhibition. All the shows feature high-quality P4 layouts, modelling demonstrations, and other attractions and are well supported by trade stands.

All members can access the Digest Sheets that cover many topics of interest and assistance to modellers. The subject matter ranges from planning to photography and includes comprehensive guidance on track construction and springing and compensation systems.

The Society has its own shop for members - the Scalefour Stores - which attends Society exhibitions and provides an excellent mail order service. Our philosophy is to supply the essential items for P4 modellers, but without competing with the retail suppliers. The Stores also supply the products that the Society has sponsored; the latest addition to the range is high quality conductor rail supports for third and fourth rail electrification schemes, which complement the existing correct profile conductor rail and end ramps.

Scalefour Society Gathering There is an extensive network of over fourty Area Groups around the UK and six overseas. These are widely varied groups of Members, whose activities range from building and exhibiting layouts to informal social gatherings. Participation in an Area Group can be very beneficial as there will usually be other Members who can give help and guidance in developing the many skills that railway modelling fosters. The Society occasionally hosts modelling workshops - Scalefour Workbenches - where members can be introduced to basic techniques and benefit from the pragmatic guidance and experience of other members. The emphasis is on practical work, using only the basic, essential tools.