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Woolworth Road - Sarum Area Group

Originally conceived as pre-grouping SECR/LSWR with GNR/LNWR/GWR and Midland running rights. The layout has now been pushed forward to the 1950 to 1960 time frame, although the same regional origins will be there to be found.

The idea stems from Walworth Road depot and the Alexander Bridge,(both now long gone). The traffic envisaged will be tripped coal trains from the north along with general merchandise for the warehouse/factory /hidden sidings, the main lines will be mainly surburban shuttles, (originally push-pull/motor trains,) now perhaps 2BILs/2NOLs/2EPBs.

The intention is to have a working traverser in the depot, wagon turntables by the warehouse and quite a grand bridge, finished off with an elevated signal box just off one end.


Model railway layout - Woolworth Road Model railway layout - Woolworth Road

Model railway layout - Woolworth Road