40th Anniversary

2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the society, and we have been celebrating throughout the year. Our own shows have marked the event in various ways and there will be a dedicated society section at the Warley show. There have also been a number of special events during the year.

Warley 2016

We are working closely with the organsing team for Warley 2016 (26th and 27th November), and there will be a special Scalefour Society exhibit to celebrate our anniversary.

Society Shows

Our AGM was hosted by the Newport & Gwent Area Group on June 18th.

Special Events

101 Not Out (12th March)

Presented with the EM Gauge Society, 101 Not Out incorporated the Chris Kedgley Memorial Skills Day for 2016.

Event Retrospective

Forum Discussion

North London Group Celebration Open Day (11th June)

The North London Group celebrated the anniversary of their club and the society. (Area Group details).

Perth & District MRC Exhibition Special Exhibit (25th and 26th June)

A special section arranged with the Perth & District MRC within their show.

Scalefour Layouts at the show: Longcarse West (Simon Bendall); Blackston Junction (Richard Darby) and Calderside (West of Scotland 4mm Group)

The Scalefour Society Stand was in attendance, and there was a range of demonstrations.

Exeter Exhibition Special Exhibit (2nd and 3rd July)

A special section aranged by DRAG within the Exeter Show, hosted by the Exe MRS.

Scalefour Layouts at the show: Nottingham Goods (David Barrett), Horsley Bank (Steve Howe), Lambeth Walk (Maurice Hopper, first appearance) and Sidmouth (Richard Harper).

There was a static display of: parts of Bodmin General (DRAG); Ouse Valley Viaduct (Rod Cameron and John Farmer); Models from Waterside (Steve Howe).

Demonstrations from David Brandreth and Andrew Eaton.

The Scalefour Society Stand.