The society logo over a background of trackwork. For 4mm finescale railway modelling at its very best

Newport and Gwent Neighbourhood Area Group

Stefan Lewis explaining the big bang theory Newport and Gwent Neighborhood Area Group (NAGNAG) has now been well established. We are fast approaching our seventh anniversary. During this time we've seen the attendance fluctuate, peaking at about 20 to it's present size, approximately 10. There is still a strong backbone of attendance, but not everyone makes every meeting. It's not unusual to have other pulls on your leisure time!

We meet every other Tuesday in the month, starting from the first Tuesday in the month. We still meet at Newport MRS club rooms and we are grateful to the club who continue to support our group.

We try our best to add to the modellers experience with a variety of meetings. We've had speakers on electronics and DCC, AJ couplings, scratch building chassis to name but a few. We are hoping to continue this trend. Learning with hands on experience. The group are also actively involved with the preparation of NMRS layout 'Little Mill Junction'.

This is a friendly group who's main objective is to have fun. That doesn't mean we take our modeling lightly, it's just not a case of life and death! There's a wealth of experience in the group, from track builders, coach builders, buildings and chassis. So if you're in the area and are interested in getting started you'll find all the encouragement you'll need right here at NAGNAG.

Contact Mike Garwood in the first place,, or visit our website.

Blue Sheet (PDF, members only)

Our meeting location.