The society logo over a background of trackwork. For 4mm finescale railway modelling at its very best

Cambridge, Herts & Essex Area Group (CHEAG)

The Cambridge, Herts and Essex Area Group meets once a month, on the second Thursday. Our current venue is the Coach & Horses pub, in Newport, Essex. Meetings usually start at 8.00pm and continue until it's time to go home.

Members of CHEAG model in many different scales, including P87, HO and both narrow and broad gauge varieties of the P4 standard - South African Railways, and Iberian Railways, to be precise. Therefore it is not necessary to be committed to UK profile P4 modelling to be welcomed as a member.

Due to the wide variety of interests within the group, we have no plans to build a group layout and prefer to come together to discuss our modelling activities, to show examples of what we are currently working on, and to seek advice and help from the large pool of skills that are available from the members of the group. Other meetings are dedicated to workshops or demonstrations of particular topics of interest, which can range from chassis building to the use of the internet as a research tool.

We welcome finescale modellers of any persuasion, although any particular preference in scale, gauge or period will make a member the subject of ribald humour at some point in time - we're just very light-hearted in our approach to modelling.

If you are interested in joining the Group, please contact Paul Willis by email at or phone 07823 530 276, further details on the Blue Sheet.

Blue Sheet (PDF, members only)